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Ayurveda and Functional Medicine Making the Difference to Your Health

Ayurveda is a way of thinking and living where the interaction between gut functions and brain health offer the best opportunity to create health. If You can understand Your gut and brain and how they interact, You are better able to make changes and improvements through diet and lifestyle. When an Ayurvedic approach is taken it offers an opportunity for prevention, management and even reversal of disease conditions and a return to overall health.

Ayurveda is person centred, meaning we all have a unique bio-chemical personality and so it is vital to recognise how Your genetics interact with Your environment. This fundamental approach in Ayurveda is documented in texts dating back to the 7th century but is still as true today as when written, and is starting to be recognised by modern medicine as well being the fundamental principles of Functional Medicine.

…. if a patient follows proper nutrition and lifestyle there is no need for medication and if a patient does not follow proper nutrition and lifestyle there is no use by medication….

Ayurveda uses a practical model of creating health in partnership with both practitioner and patient with each having an equal responsibility. This approach to creating Health rather than only focusing on illness, highlights the individual responsibility of the patient to engage in the process of healing rather than authority being given to a physician to heal in isolation. It also emphasises the role of practitioners working in Ayurveda to maintain the patients overall health, whilst managing the presenting condition or disease.

“In Ayurveda the determinants of health are biological, ecological, medical, psychological, sociocultural, spiritual and metaphysical factors, all interdependent and wired together by the common concept of relationship” (Morandi et al. 2011).

Ayurveda and Functional Medicine determine how and why illness occurred by understanding the root cause of disease for the individual. Together they work to restore Health by understanding the root causes of disease and eliminating, rather than working from presenting symptoms alone. Each symptom can be one of many that is contributing to an individual’s illness, The Murthy Clinic, through detailed investigation looks beyond the presenting problems or diagnosed conditions to understand the causative root factors.

Ayurveda and Functional Medicine is an approach to healthcare that understands not just illness but more crucially Health. Our bodies are continually working and communicating not only as functional systems within our bodies but also with the outside environment, forever trying to attain or regain balance. Depending on the quality of these exchanges, subtle changes or miscommunications can occur over time. The Murthy Clinic using Ayurveda and Functional Medicine aim to identify dysfunctions in the biochemistry using detailed investigations and tests. Why? Because disease is almost always preceded by a period of problems or symptoms in various parts of the body systems that can be overlooked by a physician or forgotten by the patient unless a detailed approach is taken to record and investigate. The Murthy Clinic works to Restore Health. True health requires finding, eliminating and reversing the dysfunctions that have contributed to a disease to provide a platform for repair and regeneration rather than sticking a plaster over a dirty or even infected wound.

Where and how do Ayurveda and Functional Medicine work together?

Functional Medicine has looked at the key concepts of Ayurveda with its many complex ancient texts and translated into a new paradigm of medicine that is suited to those wishing to have the very best aspects and qualities of ancient and modern. Using the wisdom of Ayurveda alongside modern Functional medical protocols and tests, the union between Functional Medicine and Ayurveda provides a practical system that The Murthy Clinic offers You to Transform Your Health. The Murthy Clinic believes that working in partnership, offers You the best way back to true targeted health offering You personalised, targeted solutions for Your Health Transformation by using Functional Medicine protocols alongside the solid foundations of Ayurveda.

Dr Vijay Murthy

The Murthy Clinic

Harley Street Dr Limited

23 Harley Street